Serverless app development

MTechZilla makes building apps easier and more cost-effective. With our Serverless App Development, you get apps that can scale with your demand and are always ready for action.
 Serverless app development

Our Offering

We can deliver a variety of services tailored to your business needs.


Efficient Scaling

We build apps that can easily grow with your business, meaning you don't have to worry about capacity in the future.

seamless design and development


Our serverless approach means you only pay for what you use, saving you money on maintaining redundant servers.

seamless design and development

Resilient Applications

We ensure that your apps stay up and running, no matter what, providing you with uninterrupted service.

seamless design and development

Quick Deployment

Our methodologies allow us to roll out your apps in no time, accelerating your path to market.

seamless design and development
seamless design and development
seamless design and development

Our Tech Stack

Our serverless strategy involves several robust AWS services.

seamless design and development

AWS Lambda

This service runs your app's code only when needed and scales automatically, leading to significant cost savings for you.

seamless design and development

AWS API Gateway

It takes care of all the tasks involved in accepting and processing up to hundreds of thousands of concurrent API calls, including traffic management, data transformation, and more

seamless design and development

AWS DynamoDB

This is where your data is stored safely. It's a reliable and speedy NoSQL database service that delivers consistent, single-digit millisecond responsiveness at any scale.

seamless design and development
seamless design and development
seamless design and development
seamless design and development
seamless design and development
seamless design and development
seamless design and development
seamless design and development
seamless design and development

Tell us about your goals.

Every goal is a milestone waiting to be achieved. Share your vision with us, and let's turn aspirations into accomplishments together. We're all ears, ready to make your goals our mission.

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